• 022024/01
    Discrimination Of Triode ProductsDiscrimination of the base of the triode: According to the schematic diagram of the structure of the triode, we know that the base of the triode is the common pole of the two PN junctions in the triode.
  • 022024/01
    The Role Of The TriodeThe transistor has a current amplifying effect, and its essence is that the transistor can control the large change of the collector current with a small change of the base current.
  • 022024/01
    The Package Form And Pin Identification Of The TriodeCommonly used transistor packaging forms include metal packaging and plastic packaging. The arrangement of pins has certain rules.
  • 022024/01
    Product Classification Of Triodesa. According to material: silicon tube, germanium tube b. According to the structure: NPN, PNP. as shown in picture 2: c. According to function: switch tube, power tube, Darlington tube, photosensitive tube, etc.
  • 022024/01
    The Emitter Region Of The Triode Emits Electrons To The Base RegionThe power source Ub is applied to the emitter junction through the resistor Rb, the emitter junction is forward biased, and the majority carriers (free electrons) in the emitter region continuously cross the emitter junction and enter the base region, forming the emitter current Ie. At the same time, the majority carriers in the base region also diffuse to the emitter region, but since the majority carrier concentration is much lower than that in the emitter region, this current can be ignored,
  • 022024/01
    The Collector Area Of The Triode Collects ElectronsDue to the large reverse voltage applied to the collector junction, the electric field force generated by this reverse voltage will prevent the electrons from the collector region from diffusing to the base region, and at the same time, the electrons diffused to the vicinity of the collector junction will be pulled into the collector region to form the main collector of the collector. current Icn. In addition, the minority carriers (holes) in the collector region will also produce drift motion,
  • 022024/01
    Diffusion And Recombination Of Electrons In The Base Region Of A TriodeAfter the electrons enter the base region, they are first concentrated near the emitter junction, and gradually form a difference in electron concentration.
  • 022024/01
    The Development History Of TriodeOn December 23, 1947, at Bell Labs in Murray Hill, New Jersey, three scientists - Dr. Bardeen, Dr. Brighton and Dr. Shockley were nervously and methodically doing experiments.
  • 022024/01
    Basic Definition Of TriodeTransistor (also called transistor) is only a general term for three-pin amplifier devices in Chinese meaning. The triode we often say may be several devices.
  • 022024/01
    TriodeTriode, the full name should be semiconductor triode, also known as bipolar transistor, transistor, is a semiconductor device that controls current. Its function is to amplify the weak signal into an electrical signal with a larger amplitude value, and it is also used as a non-contact switch.